Monday, March 31, 2008

49, the new 30? WTF?

This month marked the monumental milestone that IS 40. Turning 40 was painful, but plannly inevitable. Sure the alternative is death, so with that in mind I eagerly accepted my elderly status and swallowed my Geritol like a big girl. The problem I have is solely with others who tried to "comfort" me with the gayest, trendiest comment circulating the halls, "40 is the new 30."

What the fuck? 40 is a number, not a concept. 40 can be documented by a birth certificate. 40 is non-negotiable. 40 comes after 39 and precedes 41. I didn't make the rules, some jackass with an abacus wearing a toga developed this formula and who am I to question it?

So if Im to be convinced "40 is the new 30" here are some other words of comfort, using the same conceptual idea:

*Small is the new Big - Men with miniscule penis' will be porn stars. Flat chested women will be sought after due to their sexy aerodynamics and lack of grotesque curves.

*Rich is the new Poor - Porsches will be replaced by Pintos. Rolex watches will be regifted at Christmas and Timex watches will be the indicator of a successful sloth.

*Ignorant is the new Genius - High school drop outs will be issued honorary Doctorate degrees and will be permitted to perform surgery....stoned, of course, while wearing a concert tshirt and flip flops.

*Morbidly obese is the new Waif - Twinkie sales will skyrocket. A friend egg and a cup of peanut butter will be added to every Big Mac. Supersize is for pussies, "Super-de-douper-size" will require delivery by wheelbarrow.

*Flatulence is the new Pheromone - Pulling ones finger will become foreplay. Single women will maintain a diet of refried beans, kegged beer and broccoli in order to land a man.

*Body hair is the new Lingerie - G-strings will be braided pubic hair wrapped around the waist a few times.

Perhaps when Im 50 (the Lord willing) I'll be more receptive to their lame logic. By then I'll be wandering the streets, wearing a furry g-string and mumbling incoherently something about "Pull my finger you Timex wearing stallion and come eat this Big Mac off my back fat."

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